Ephrata Chiropractor, Back pain specialist, Rehabilitation, Extremities
Dr. David Parker is an expert in chiropractic and back pain, who has helped over 6,000 people in Ephrata, PA since 1987. Dr. Parker is an International speaker, Founder of http//:familytreechiro.com, Author of "Power Workshops", Host of the TV program "Light the Fire Within" and an author of a variety of health articles published extensively online. He is also a Chiropractic Coach, Host of the Blog Talk Radio program "Inspiration 4 Healthy Living" , Host of the Youtube Chiropractic Channel ihealmyself and is a Husband and father of 5 amazing children!!
Keywords: Ephrata Chiropractor, Ephrata Chiropractic, Ephrata back pain, Ephrata neck pain, Ephrata car accident, Dr. David Parker, Family Tree Chiropractic